What’s the benefit of investing in a NEPATA machine? Advantage number 5: The enormous time savings.
That’s why converting films with NEPATA solutions is so easy:
- Fast rewinding: Speed of up to 1.5 meters per second
- Fast slitting: The innovative silicone lubrication system lubricates and cleans the blade during the cutting process. No adhesive residue accumulate and downtime is avoided.
- Fast loading: The loading system of the ADWS models is ergonomic and safe to use.
- Faster processes: The control software intelligently groups orders across multiple delivery notes. This minimizes frequent roll changes.
Customers using NEPATA machines have achieved up to 40% more productivity over simple machines and devices.
In the following video, we timed how quickly our NEPATA 1900 ADWS can cut e.g. Application Tapes: